Hola todos! I'm back again here in this blog with yet another game review, something I'll be bringing most of the time here. Now that I'm in a semester break, do be ready for more reviews from me, haha. Without further yapping, let's get down to it!
Nora's Dream is a game developed by Štěpán Brychta and was published in back in October 2019 (at least in Mobile). The game can be considered as one of the point & click adventure type that can be downloaded in the Play Store. The game weights around 80MB and has a rather brief gameplay, which in total is around less than an hour. But within that short period I was able to experience for myself a truly fine and delicate adventure in the game. To find out what lies inside this piece of fantasy, let's get down to it!
The Story
At the start of the game, we will play as a Nora, a young girl who finds herself in this fantasy realm with no recollection of how and why she is there. Upon further exploration around the place, she is met with other beings who request some help to her. After done helping the out, one by one, they will tell us pieces of the reasons why she is here, and more importantly why she needs to leave. Further on, we will be accompanying her in solving all obstacles in the realm, assembling the pieces of information we got, and finally, making her way out of the realm back to her life.
The Gameplay
The game relies on touches to move the character around and interact with items or puzzles. What I find neat is that each touch you made to move Nora around will make some music/melodies, adding more feeling to the game's atmosphere. The puzzles in the game are fun, the clues for them are spread around the realm and if you happen to get stuck in one of them, worry not, because the hints are available for free with just one click. Another thing worth pointing is the simplistic art styles for the visuals which I like! Throughout the gameplay, I also didn't encounter any bugs, so yeah, that's great!
Overall Thought
All in all, I can say that I like the game! The puzzles and the story are all well done, not to mention the themes (including those that come out from Nora's movement). The story is not that hard to understand, especially if you pay attention to the clues that are shown at times, and it is just nicely done. This is one game that I believe fits well for those who are deep in the point and click games and those who are still new to it. So in the end, I would this game a 8.5 out of 10, a score I find fitting to describe my experience of playing it. For all you readers, don't forget to give the game a try and as for Štěpán Brychta, well done and keep it up! I can't wait to play more of your games!
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