Mousebusters is a game developed by Odencat, the same developer of Clock of Atonement, Bear's Restaurant, and many other games they made. This game was released on September 10th 2020 and has been hinted since June or so. This game, like other games by Odencat, is based on the touch and interact gameplay where players will be offered objectives/things to do through the dialogues and move around by taping the screen. Without further ado let's get into the review!
For the story, this game tells a story of a teenager who just moved into a new apartment, apparently the place doesn't offer much of luxury to fit into his budget. On top of that, there are rumours surrounding the place to be somewhat... haunted. Upon arriving to his new place, he was greeted by a mouse and afterwards something happened and then we are turned into a mouse. Still shocked, we are then called by the mouse whom we met earlier. He will lead us into his 'house" and there a proper introduction is given.
The mouse we met earlier also used to be a human. He got turned into a mouse due to the negative energy pulsing within the apartment, and we got turned because we interacted with him earlier. He wants us to call him "boss", within his house we are shown some gears and items he has along with that we are also given a suit and a new job as a part of "mousebusters". Unlike what the name implies, instead of huntung mouse in the apartment like it implies, we are busting the ghosts there, a manifestation of the negative energy discussed earlier. From there we are tasked to clear each of the occupant's room of the ghosts living there, the same ghosts that are causing them many hardships with their life. As we progress through each of them, we are met with the difficulties and troubles each of them are dealing with, ranging from an overworked workaholic to a man with a heavy homesickness. I gotta say they did a good job to make us relate to the occupants problems.
The gameplay is quiet interesting considering we're gonna be up for shooting down the ghosts. The musics they use in it has an upbeat feel to it not many variation unlike the Bear's Restaurant but I still think it's fine. Just like the previous game, there is a second chapter of the game but to play you need to either pay by becoming a sponsor for their next game or by gathering 6000 coffee beans by watching countless ads, the choice is yours. Overall the second chapter is really good considering that this is where everything is concluded, a true ending of the game I can say. I'm not going to talk much about it to keep your enthusiasm from being spoiled.
Overall I like this game! I recommend you guys to look it up and download it on google play store, be sure to send them feedback to improve their future projects! So this is my rating:
1. Story: 8.2
2. Soundtrack: 7.5
3. Gameplay: 8.0
That's all for now guys, be sure to follow me for further posts and as always have a good day and stay safe especially during this time of tension!
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